Get an Edge On Better Machine Setups

Get an Edge On Better Machine Setups

Determining edge and feature locations of a workpiece is critical to proper machine setup.  In fact, little else matters in terms of machining parameters if the cutting tool doesn’t know exactly where to start. In a best-case scenario, the result might be an...
Try Before You Buy

Try Before You Buy

While some tooling suppliers may claim to, few, if any really allow shops to try tooling before they  buy. REGO-FIX, on the other hand, keeps a demo inventory of tool holders in stock specifically for that purpose. On top of that, the company provides an ROI form that...
What’s With All the Chatter?

What’s With All the Chatter?

Depending on the application and part, setting up machines and tools for a job can be a lengthy, complicated process. Machine speeds and feeds, axial and radial cut depths and tool setups must all be optimized for maximum efficiency and productivity, and the process...