Get a Grip on Overtorqued Tools

Are you tightening your tools in an overtorqued death grip? If your notion of taper contact and pull stud torque dates back a few years, chances are that you're deforming your tools and ramping up your runout. Time to catch up with today's technology and give your...

The Long and Short of powRgrip Tool Engagement

One of the first questions new powRgrip owners ask is "How much of my tool shank has to stay inside the collet?" We demonstrate proper use to all our customers, but what makes that demonstration even easier is that we've designed our PG collets to answer the question...

Measure Once, Cut Once With powRgrip

Accurate tool measurements are critical in precision machining, but where that measurement takes place is another story – one that has a significant impact on productivity. However, while offline presetting is typically a more cost and time-efficient process, many...

Your 3-Axis Lathe Can Still Be Cool With Internal Coolant

While the latest and greatest machine tools excite engineers and operators, many manufacturers’ businesses are built on reliable turning operations performed with simple 3-axis lathes, and many of them have kept the same technology in place for decades as part of...

Cutting and Toolholding Challenges With Ceramic Tools

When shops implement ceramic cutting tools, they enter a brand-new paradigm as they turn many of the traditional conventions of machining upside down. From the lack of coolant to the need for sparks during the cut, working with solid ceramic tools gives shops new...

High-Quality Toolholding Means Worry-Free Tapping

For most manufacturers, tapping remains the go-to solution for generating threads in ID holes thanks to a readily available and wide range of affordable tooling options that allow for easy part programming and exceptional efficiency with processes that account for one...

Taking a More Direct Route to Efficient Cutting Tool Coolant

Machine tools deliver cutting coolant basically in one of two ways – either through separate individual nozzles that flood the cutting zone with coolant or via systems that send coolant down the sides of a cutting tool or actually through internal channels within the...

Where to Look for Machining Vibration

Machine-tool runout stems from multiple causes, including fixturing, toolholders, cutting tools, machine tools themselves and unexpected intermittent sources. All these problems diminish surface finish, tool life and part tolerance. Finding the source of runout takes...

Machining Memos isn’t just about REGO-FIX – it’s about what your shop needs to achieve manufacturing success, from how to handle runout and master high-speed machining to what things like blockchain technology or ergonomics have to do with your part-production operations.

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