Tiny Parts Make the Smallest Runout Look Big

It’s easy for non-manufacturers to take miniaturization for granted, but those who have spent any time at all in a micromachining-focused shop know how challenging those parts can be. Tiny parts require even tinier part features, virtually all of which demand meeting...

Consistent Toolholding, Reliable Precision

Located in Milpitas, California, Precision Swiss Products Inc. has gained a reputation for being able to handle the toughest jobs in the most challenging industries. Whether rapidly producing prototypes for the medical industry or handling the incredibly tight...

The Long and Short of powRgrip Tool Engagement

One of the first questions new powRgrip owners ask is “How much of my tool shank has to stay inside the collet?” We demonstrate proper use to all our customers, but what makes that demonstration even easier is that we’ve designed our PG collets to...