by REGO-FIX Team | Aug 19, 2022 | Blog
The REGO-FIX Triangle of Core Values existed decades before the advent of corporate philosophies and mission statements. Those values were, in fact, personified in company founder Fritz Weber. Story has it that way back in the company’s beginnings, Weber’s bank made...
by REGO-FIX Team | Jul 22, 2022 | Blog
A manufacturing shop can apply the best machine tools, toolholders and cutting tools, but bad parts or even machine crashes may result if the workpiece setup is not accurate. Every element in a machining system is important for success. Precisely establishing...
by REGO-FIX Team | Jun 10, 2022 | Blog, powRgrip
We love training customers on the powRgrip PGU 9500 toolsetting unit for two very simple reasons. First, we always want to help customers gain the fullest benefits from our technologies – and second, we truly enjoy seeing the looks on their faces when they realize how...
by REGO-FIX Team | May 27, 2022 | Blog, powRgrip
When you’ve spent as many years inventing and manufacturing high-quality toolholding as we have, you not only understand that manufacturers need precision, you’ve made it possible for them to meet that need. Beyond all our other options, we created the REGO-FIX...
by REGO-FIX Team | May 13, 2022 | Blog, powRgrip
Many manufacturers still consider drilling a very forgiving process that requires less precision on the part of toolholding. Realistically though, nothing could be further from the truth. Toolholding is the key to boosting drilling accuracy, which in turn, can improve...