REGO-FIX Retains Distinction as an Indiana Top Employer

REGO-FIX Retains Distinction as an Indiana Top Employer

REGO-FIX Retains Distinction as an Indiana Top Employer WHITESTOWN, Ind., March 10, 2021 – For the second year in a row, REGO-FIX Tool Corp. (REGO-FIX USA), a longtime employer of Hoosier manufacturing industry professionals, has once again earned its place on the...

Shops Should Consider Options When Measuring Runout

Total Indicator Runout (TIR), or the reference value of how much a tool moves (or wobbles) off center as it rotates, is measured by setting up a part so that it rotates about a particular axis, then measuring a surface of interest as the part is rotated. The...

REGO-FIX Makes Toolholding History Time and Again

REGO-FIX founder Fritz Weber grew up as the oldest child in a large family that lived in the Land of Precision, the watchmaking area of western Switzerland known as the Jura Arc. At a young age, he began to experiment with tool making on the lathe in his...