Legendary Swiss quality drives everything we make.

Our premium toolholding systems offer you extraordinary reliability, precision and quality.

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The industry-standard toolholding solution for all shank types, materials and tool types – from the company that pioneered it.


The ultimate in secure toolholding and excellent vibration damping supports high-speed milling and drilling.

Multi Line

A toolholding system for traditional machining applications, with reduction sleeves for efficient through coolant in a self-sealing system suited to most hydraulic expansion chucks.


System TIR of < 3 μm at 3 diameters with a grooveless clamping nut for silent operation and low vibration.

ER Lathe/Swiss

ER and ER UP (Ultra Precision) vibration-damped collets with a 16-slot design for a wide clamping range with low TIR and up to 20% more clamping length on small diameters.

Measuring Technology

The REGO-FIX 3D-EdgeMaster precision centering device is the first in our newly launched metrology product line with more innovations to come.

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Our Mission

In every industry, with any type of material, part and quantity, REGO-FIX gives you the unmatched reliability you need for success. Our carefully matched systems provide optimal fit and accuracy to minimize vibration and tool runout while they maximize clamping force, toolholding security, tool life and output quality.

Our History

REGO-FIX introduced the first ER collet chuck in 1972, and it became the enduring industry standard. Today, our innovative solutions make it easy to achieve excellent surface finishes and consistent job results in a wide variety of machining applications. For the toolholding innovations you need to produce precise results every time, look to REGO-FIX.

Price & Availability Tool

Price and availability request for registered distributors.

Race to Indy Days 2025 at the REGO-FIX Center for Machining Excellence

All eyes are on Central Indiana during the month of May as hundreds of thousands of race fans visit Speedway, Indiana and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The legendary Indianapolis 500 and related qualifications, practices and road course race draw a global audience...

REGO-FIX Celebrates Indy Days with Center for Machining Excellence Inaugural Open House

REGO-FIX USA will celebrate the month of May and the Indianapolis 500 with its Center for Machining Excellence (CME) inaugural open house May 14 – 15 in Whitestown, Indiana. The Indy Days: Race Into Excellence event will run from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST daily and feature...

3 Reasons to Partner with the Center for Manufacturing Excellence

There’s power in numbers, and the REGO-FIX Center for Machining Excellence is where the manufacturing community meets for education and innovation through partnerships for the betterment of machining. The center differs from any other kind of manufacturing facility in...

The Machinist Behind the Center for Machining Excellence

Behind every great machining facility is an even greater machinist. For REGO-FIX’s Center for Machining Excellence (CME), that machinist is Zach Doleh, Lead Applications and Machining Specialist. With his extensive educational and professional background in machining...

Education and Innovation Through Partnerships

When it comes to optimizing part machining processes, it takes an entire village from start to finish. Excellence in high-quality manufacturing is only achieved through collaboration, learning and the development of new ideas. With insights from Zach Doleh, REGO-FIX’s...